Ella’s Retirement Announcement

Ella’s Retirement Announcement

Ella Smith, Executive Director

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the forthcoming retirement of Ella Smith as our Executive Director.
Morgan Scott Project will forever be in Ella’s debt for the heart and vision she has brought to us. Through her hard work and determination along with volunteers, and donors like you, we now operate eleven programs within our mission. Ella was instrumental in the implementation of the Homeless Shelter, Educational Support, and a Free Medical Clinic for Morgan and Scott counties. The countless work hours and commitment to help improve the lives of those in Morgan and Scott county exemplify her servant’s heart. Ella will officially retire as of August 31, 2018 however, we will continue to see her as she plans to keep the mission she loves so dearly a part of her life.

In light of this announcement, we are in the process of accepting resumes for the Executive Director’s position.

Please, pass this along to any of the mission focused individuals in your church, who would like to take a leap of faith and move to Morgan or Scott County.

Morgan Scott Project for Cooperative Christian Concerns in Deer Lodge, TN is looking for an energetic individual that would have the ability to lead, sustain and grow a volunteer-based, non- profit organization, the ability to envision, refine, communicate and implement the delivery of humanitarian aid to persons of need in Morgan and Scott Counties, Tennessee, and the ability to raise funds to finance Project operations.

For more information into the many programs of Morgan Scott Project, please visit https://morganscottproject.org.

Resumes are being taken until February 28, 2018. These may be mailed to Charlotte DeLozier at 10737 Yarnell Road, Knoxville, TN 37932, or emailed to cdelozier@cbww.com.

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Ella Smith, Executive Director
MSP Christmas 2017
February 1, 2018